Link Love

Looking for cool stuff on the internet? Here are some things I’m loving:

Heal Yourself, Skeletor

This is an uplifting and hilarious look back at the old cartoon villain Skeletor from He-Man. Unfortunately this blog is no longer updated but there are so many great affirmations in the archives. I have several of these saved on my phone to use as screen savers when I need to smile more/take charge/be inspired.


The Five-Minute Journal

I found out about The Five-Minute Journal from an episode of The Lively Show podcast featuring an interview with UJ Ramdas, one of the authors. It’s a simple premise and promises big results. I’ve added it to my usual rotation of journal prompts and enjoy the clear approach to reflecting on my day.

Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes

Do you see this advertised during the Super Bowl? The album is just as weird and wonderful as the commercial! I downloaded the full album and it lends a cozy, relaxing atmosphere to my bedtime routine. Mr. Bridges has an amazingly calming voice!


“How to Complain Less” 

I read this article on Becoming Minimalist a few months ago and took the challenge of not complaining for a week. Observing when and what I wanted to complain about gave me a lot of insight into how I want to spend my time. Try it out!

What are you into these days? Share the love!


This is not a sponsored post. I just love these things and thought you might too.

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